Masters – by Andrei Seleznev
Fiction Andrei Seleznev Fiction Andrei Seleznev

Masters – by Andrei Seleznev

The novel was in Russian, that was the problem. Everyone else in my book club had a translation, but I’d wanted to show off, not realising my mother tongue had atrophied. I wasn’t even halfway through. The other problem was that reading Russian on the train felt suspect. What if passengers clocked on to the Cyrillic? I imagined absurd scenes: is that really and how dare you, angry calls to my employer. Only my train crush, two seats ahead in impeccable slacks, wouldn’t care. She’d be unflappable.

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The libraries we must enter, the songs we will sing – by Jamil Badi
Nonfiction Jamil Badi Nonfiction Jamil Badi

The libraries we must enter, the songs we will sing – by Jamil Badi

Since the 14th century, the griots have been the human archives of many West African communities. The responsibilities of the griot are rooted in the importance of oral storytelling as a way of preserving and passing on history. Like the saying suggests, griots would collect and memorise the history of their communities, sharing the collective past through poetry, music, and performance. Before history was written and typed, it was spoken and sung in the form of stories.

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Girl/Monster – by Simmone Howell
Nonfiction Simmone Howell Nonfiction Simmone Howell

Girl/Monster – by Simmone Howell

Once, after I’d grown pubic hair, I slathered Mum’s Nair all over it. This was in the early 1980s. I don’t know how it is now, but back then Nair smelled like nothing else. The results were unsatisfactory: only some of the hair came off and what was left looked like splinters. Looking down at the mess, I can remember feeling estranged from my body. I wanted to go back to a time when I wasn’t so obviously disgusting, but of course this was impossible.

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Words inside words – by Ouyang Yu
Nonfiction Ouyang Yu Nonfiction Ouyang Yu

Words inside words – by Ouyang Yu

It’s 7.30am. Dark, becoming light. Lighter. Had a dream last night. Several. Only one that I can remember. Driving a vehicle several storeys high. Through the city. Lost on the way. For years, I have been living like a shadow. A shadow critic. A shadow novelist. A shadow poet. Living like a word inside a word. A shadow word. I once did a translation for a client and delivered it in my usual fast and efficient manner. But she refused to pay, suggesting that my work could have easily been done by Google Translate. Instead of asking for money, I got a debt collector to act on my behalf without first prompting her. Soon enough, I got my money back, minus the collector’s commission.

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The Edit / An Edit – by Michael Farrell
Poetry Michael Farrell Poetry Michael Farrell

The Edit / An Edit – by Michael Farrell

Immanence redirected. The infrastructure of the edgelord and the snowflake are the same.

Can power be generally oppressive? Up in the trees, radically outside the gift economy, radically outside bricolage. Read this sentence. Read this sentence linguistically. Tampering mid-ride.

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Paan – by Josefina Huq
Fiction Josefina Huq Fiction Josefina Huq

Paan – by Josefina Huq

Our mother is bursting through doors, breathlessly dropping pieces of jewellery across the floor whenever they are not working with her shalwar kameez. She has changed three times, has settled on a blue one that doesn’t suit her at all. To tell her would be fatal. Years later she will wear one again, for a solemn occasion , and it will remind her of nights like this. She will trick herself into missing these nights.

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Snakes in the valleys, in their hair – by Ben Walter
Nonfiction Ben Walter Nonfiction Ben Walter

Snakes in the valleys, in their hair – by Ben Walter

Once, I was walking on a ridge and lightning was sparkling peaks to the east and the west, while a white spear of cloud hurtled straight for us. We found the top of the mountain, felt its texture through our boots, stared at the views, then turned and ran through an explosion of rain that was dark in the fury of its clouds, that swapped the sweat from our faces with its own jealous wet. Going was the only thing to do, but it still felt a terrible idea, because we’d have to leave the top of the mountain. There were still views. We could still see.

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A major theft – by Emma Rosetta
Fiction Emma Rosetta Fiction Emma Rosetta

A major theft – by Emma Rosetta

Sarge says come back to station right away. Been a major theft. And he says bring him a bacon-and-egg sandwich from Rosa’s.’ Nathan frowned at the radio. ‘What about the theft?’

‘Oh, yeah. It’s not urgent.’

‘The sandwich isn’t urgent?’

‘The theft. Make sure you bring the sandwich.’ Maureen’s bored, staticky voice signed off and the line went dead.

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Devotion – by RT Wenzel
Fiction RT Wenzel Fiction RT Wenzel

Devotion – by RT Wenzel

Mary had tried everything for her broken heart over the years. She dragged herself to individual therapy where she cried at people, and group therapy where people cried at her. She’d tried seventeen types of medication. Some helped her sleep, but none of them put her heart back together. Her son offered an ongoing cannabis supply that dulled the ache, but after a few weeks the anguish returned twofold, along with an ashen mouth and stabbing headache. Mary read books, watched webinars, journalled, and visited a spirit medium who was possessed by a Kiwi accent halfway through their session.

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Wave and blue – by Beth Kearney
Nonfiction Beth Kearney Nonfiction Beth Kearney

Wave and blue – by Beth Kearney

On the side of a road, beneath a crown of trees, the woman in the photograph is waving. She’s an old woman, but strong and upright, her long legs supporting a proud stance. Her arm is high in the air, higher than most old ladies tend to raise their arms, and she smiles at the camera. But her eyes appear unfocused, directed somewhere above the frame of the image. It’s as though she can’t see the person taking the photo, but it’s clear that she feels warmly towards them. Her smile seems to say, ‘I’ll see you next time, and it won’t be long. In the meantime, take care’.

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He is the candle – by Lucy Norton
Fiction Lucy Norton Fiction Lucy Norton

He is the candle – by Lucy Norton

I am lying on a grey-blue vinyl couch in the ICU visitor’s room. I wonder why they don’t have rooms with beds for family members awaiting the inevitable. It is difficult to think of sleeping, but I am so tired. An hour ago, my sister Jessie and I scurried out of the hospital entrance with two hand-rolled joints like a couple of sneaky teenagers. We smoked in the bushes beside the stairs. It was well past midnight, but the fluorescent lights could’ve fooled you.

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These are no clear directions – by Lars Rogers
Fiction Lars Rogers Fiction Lars Rogers

These are no clear directions – by Lars Rogers

You turn left at that old shop. There used to be a man who lived inside it. Every time I saw him he had a cigarette slotted in his mouth – poking through a giant beard. I remember hearing something about a hand surgery. Or was it a heart surgery? I suppose it doesn’t matter now. I am pretty sure he was the Dad of one of my mates. We used to smoke out the back of the science lab. That was what we did. My mate was always concerned – either by the fact that we were smoking, or that a teacher might catch us. I didn’t know. I could never figure it out. I’ve been having a little bit of trouble lately.

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Bound – by Liz Evans
Fiction Liz Evans Fiction Liz Evans

Bound – by Liz Evans

She arrived early to register for class, this frothy little thing, squeezed tight into bamboo and Lycra, blowing into my Sunday session with the first snap of spring. New to yoga, clearly a stranger to self-discipline with her chatting and chirruping and lack of condition, her needs were obvious: containment, order, flexibility, strength. But when she gave me her name, I buckled. The pure white shock of it, after all these years, blinding me for a second; the knot of grief, loss and fury tightening.

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Conversation IV: Permission to witness – by Libby King
Nonfiction Libby King Nonfiction Libby King

Conversation IV: Permission to witness – by Libby King

1. When I felt she was open enough to hear, I told her everything. They are obsessed with olive oil and soap and oranges, I wrote. Coffee rituals / Tea rituals / Niche cheeses from specific villages / Old walls / Ancient wells / Markets. Oh friend, I wrote. The markets! / Farmers, I said. / And artisans / They are obsessed with spices.

2. I didn’t mention the little herbal hole in the wall in the Old Market in Nablus on the West Bank where a man with grey stubble and a balding head cheekily reassured my father that if impotency was an issue he had a herbal mixture to deal with that.

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Prelude to a flight – by Joel Keith
Fiction Joel Keith Fiction Joel Keith

Prelude to a flight – by Joel Keith

For years Becka had awaited her life, as if it were a friend late to a bar for whom she had already saved a seat. Do you really need this spot? inquired the glances of strangers. We could use it. Obstinately she clung on. Sometimes a girlfriend would call to complain about the bequiffed men they would soon marry and become mothers to, or about the houses they had been bought by their parents who worked well-paying jobs cleaning blood from household items and the machinery of state, and Becka would nod along, a sensed but unprovable consolation, like God.

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